
Your Marketing Team

Maximise your sales reach at the click of a button through our sophisticated advertising software - designed to assist you in building your brand.

Your Marketing Team

We recognise the challenge of managing the ‘perfect’ marketing team. This includes the SEO Specialist, Digital Marketing Executive, PR Manager, Sales Manager, and these are just to name a few of the roles played in perfecting your business’s marketing strategies. The reality of the matter is, wineries and businesses within the beverage industry normally only hire one individual to perform all the tasks of an entire marketing department – this can become quite overwhelming as no one person can be an expert in every area.

We’d like to help you reach your business goals as easily and cost-efficiently as possible – this can be achieved through our VMP software. VMP has the ability to play a multitude of roles that are vital to your organisation – at a fraction of the price. Create personalised advertising campaigns at the click of a button and leave the strategising to us.

Save money on your marketing without having to pay extravagant salaries to reach your sales goals. Gain access to exclusive marketing analytics when you choose to advertise with Cellar Link – Vendor Centre. Advertising has never been easier. Simply, select the marketing tools you wish to use, and we will implement the marketing strategy.


SEO - Reach your customers through targeted keywords

Reach your customers through targeted keywords

As the user of a Cellar Link Vendor Centre Account, benefit from creating highly targeted advertisements at the click of a button. We have perfected our marketing software to enable your business to reach thousands of customers through Google search engine results. No matter how small or large your business may be, increase your sales reach using targeted keywords.

SEM - Increase brand awareness through display advertising

Increase brand awareness through display advertising

For businesses who would like to build brand awareness, not only can we facilitate this through targeted keywords, but also by using display advertising on Google’s Display Network. The Display Network holds a collection of a million+ websites, applications, and videos where your ads can appear. Reach your target market through graphical content that will only appear on the most relevant areas of the web.

Facebook Advertising - Boost your social presence

Boost your social presence with Facebook Advertising

Most businesses today own and monitor their own social media platforms, but for many, utilising this platform to the best of its ability has always been somewhat out of reach. We have integrated a Facebook Advertising feature into our VMP software which will allow you to sell your products through Facebook. Choose to sell products, gain ‘likes’, sponsor updates, and much more with VMP.

Expand your Sales ReachRegister for a Vendor Centre Account and choose your promotional plan

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